Learn more about End of Life care
Professionals want to learn more about how to deliver good End of Life Care. The Derbyshire Alliance offers education for professionals working across our county and allows colleagues to demonstrate their continuing professional development.
By registering you can create an individualised portfolio describing your learning needs around End of Life Care. You will be directed to places where you can learn including face to face teaching in Derbyshire and e-learning. If you wish you can create 'learning cycles' using a 'Plan Do Study Act' approach as a team or as an individual, and you can download PDFs of your completed cycles for use as evidence for revalidation or quality assurance.
About the Derbyshire Alliance for End of Life Care Toolkit
The Toolkit has been designed collaboratively by professionals who work across Derbyshire (the self-titled ‘Derbyshire Alliance for End of Life Care’) to help teams plan and deliver care for people in their last months, weeks and days of life.
If you are a member of the public you are welcome to explore the Toolkit but be aware it is designed for professionals to use. You may wish to discuss its contents with one of your care team (e.g. GP, District nurse, Specialist nurse, Nursing Home Manager).
This toolkit contains national guidelines and local 'Derbyshire-wide' guidelines which should be used by all agencies in the county. Certain documents are formatted differently depending on where in the county you are based. Please ensure you have the correct version for your area.