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My Future Care: an advance statement developed in Derbyshire

My Future Care: an advance statement developed in Derbyshire

Advance Care Planning is a process that gives people a chance to think about and write down what is important to them. A person must have mental capacity to make an Advance Care Plan, and might find it helpful to talk to professionals about their care options. This helps professionals, as well as carers (family or friends), to understand what is important when planning care.

There are three ways someone can formalise an ACP discussion:

  1. An Advance Statement is a written record that lets others know about a patient’s views and preferences. Although not legally binding, an advance statement is the easiest way to record wishes. An example of an advance statement is 'My Future Care' (see this link). You may also be interested in the ‘Derbyshire Gold Record’ or ‘Preferred Priorities for Future Care’ (for more information look at ‘Advance Care Planning’)
  2. An Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment. This used to be called a "living will” (for more information look at ‘Advance Care Planning’)
  3. A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a trusted person, named by the patient as chosen to act on their behalf with regard to finances or to make decisions about health care if the patient is unable to (for more information look at ‘Advance Care Planning’).